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little shadow

An unspoken and unsent speech for my little sister's 21st. -- Like Peter Pan I’ve only known a life with a shadow, a life accompanied with you following close behind. The two years before you could basically be erased from my memory, for all I’ve ever really known was a life with you in it, a life as a big sister. You made it impossible to ever be lonely and in many ways, even in the moments where I really wanted to be alone, it’s those moments where I never got the silence I wanted, those moments are those I’m most grateful for.  Somewhere along the way though, my shadow became its own person. No longer a replica of me but a real life person with a stubborn and cheeky personality. Someone who growled at the dinner table when you asked how her day was, or who despite bickering with me every time I was washing up, always surprised me with an adoration of love in the moments that really mattered.  You were still always someone to play with, someone I could attempt to boss around and

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